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Sleep Apnea Relief

Be honest now. Do you sometimes find it hard to concentrate because of fatigue and drowsiness and that too throughout the day? Are you only able to focus when you’ve had your third cup of coffee?

If you wake up every day feeling like you never slept, you just might suffer from Sleep Apnea. This common condition affects almost half of all Americans and can cause serious health risks if it is not diagnosed or addressed in due time. Sufferers sometimes snore too, which directly impacts the patterns of sleep of those close to them. One of the best Sleep Apnea Treatment Central Jersey, New Jersey, Dr.Charmoy delivers the best relief for sleep apnea and snoring with Oral Appliance Therapy Central New Jersey. This is the best alternative to CPAP out there, with treatment that is perfectly customizable and comfortable. You’ll never have to acclimate yourself with CPAP and moreover, it fits like a mouth guard alleviating you from all the hassle that CPAP brings. It is literally the best Non-CPAP treatment available anywhere in the world and with Dr.Charmoy you can regain blissful and baby-like sleep within weeks!


Sleep Apnea is in no shape, way or form a disorder that should be taken lightly. It can lead to depression and various Diabetes complications. Apart from Brain cell damage due to lack of oxygen and heart attacks, it can also cause high blood pressure, low sex drive, obesity and strokes if left untreated. If Dr.Charmoy believes that you have sleep apnea, he’ll provide you with an Oral Appliance that is designed to open up your airway while you sleep to ease the symptoms caused by sleep apnea. The small acrylic device fits comfortably in your oral cavity and positions your jaw in such a way, that your airway is open regardless of the muscle tone of your tongue that sometimes induces oxygen depravation in patients. The device is also custom-fitted by Dr.Charmoy to ensure that you have the snuggest fit possible. Every groove, every space, every dent is custom designed to fit your mouth perfectly. You’ll have all your apnea-induced drowsiness come to an end and see your wellbeing and health improve in a matter of days.

Doctors believed that device or appliance comes even close to beating Cpap Alternatives Central Jersey, until now. We encourage you to call today to schedule an appointment with Dr.Charmoy. Our clinic is one of the finest in the country with staff that is always ready to help and skilled enough to cater to all your needs. If you happen to have medical insurance, we’ll even make sure that you get the best reimbursement possible. So come on over and help us help you lead a better life without Sleep Apnea.


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